Blue Collar Parliament is a non-partisan, grassroots campaign to address the collapse in working class and blue collar MPs

Thank you for your interest in our cause.

My name is David. I started Blue Collar Parliament in frustration with the big political parties and how exclusive they have become.
As candidates to be MP were chosen from 2022 to the 2024 election, I spoke to people all over the UK who had tried and failed to be chosen by a political party to run for MP. They told me how difficult it was for ‘normal’ working class and blue collar workers to be chosen by political parties and become MPs. I am tired of seeing people with so much talent and potential finding themselves overlooked.

In 2023, I ran a sold out panel at Labour Party Conference on this issue. We asked Labour to try and chose fewer elite legal and political professionals and to stop underestimating just how many amazing things people from vital keyworker and frontline careers can achieve in parliament.

The history of Britain is littered with incredible political achievements by MPs who’s lives weren’t any different from the vast majority of us.
I want to make sure that legacy won’t die in an era where lifelong professional politicians are the norm.

We intend to grow our team of volunteers and contributors as best we can with the time we have.

Thank you for your interest in our work.